OAuth Vulnerabilities TryHackMe Walkthrough — SuNnY

Sunny Singh Verma
9 min readAug 28, 2024


OAuth Vulnerabilities TryHackMe

Brief Intro To OAuth Vulnerabilities

In cybersecurity, OAuth vulnerabilities refer to security weaknesses within the OAuth authorization framework, which is used to grant third-party applications limited access to user resources without exposing credentials. When improperly implemented, OAuth can be susceptible to various attacks, such as unauthorized access, token interception, and data breaches. Understanding and mitigating these vulnerabilities is crucial to ensuring the security of OAuth-based systems.


  • Essential concepts for OAuth 2.0 (Grant Types)
  • OAuth 2.0 flow
  • Identify OAuth services
  • Exploitation techniques
  • Evolution of OAuth 2.1
  • Total Room Tasks : 10



Medium Difficulty [ TryHackMe Walkthrough Room ]
Note : an active TryHackMe Premium Subscription is required for this room .


Special Thanks to the Creators of this room

Let’s Start !

Grab Yourself a Hot cup of Coffee , Milkshake , Oreo Shake 😋 , Frappuccino 😃 , Orange Juice , Beetroot Juice 🤢
This Walkthrough has some miles !

Task 1

In the First task it is discussed that OAuth vulnerabilities are a serious and often overlooked risk in modern web applications, primarily involving OAuth 2.0. These vulnerabilities allow for CSRF, XSS, data leakage, and other attacks. Key learning objectives include understanding OAuth 2.0 grant types, flow, identifying OAuth services, exploitation techniques, and the evolution to OAuth 2.1.

Task 2

Question 1 : Which (optional) parameter can be used to prevent CSRF attacks?

The state parameter in OAuth is a crucial security feature used to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. It is a unique value generated by the client (the application requesting authorization) and sent to the authorization server as part of the OAuth authorization request.

Task 2 — Question 1 Done !

Question 2 : What credentials can the client use to access protected resources on behalf of the resource owner?

An access token in OAuth is a credential that represents the authorization granted to a client by a user. It allows the client application to access the user’s resources (such as APIs or data) on a resource server. Access tokens are typically issued by an authorization server after the user has successfully authenticated and granted permission.

Task 2 — Question 2 Done !

Task 2 — Done !

Task 3

There is a lot of information provided in the task 3 module and it is adviced to give it a brief read before proceeding .

Question 1 : What is the grant type often used for server-server interaction?

Screenshot taken from TryHackMe Room — OAuth Vulnerabilities

Task 3— Done !

Task 4

This Task requires us to Start a VM

Let’s Start The Party !

Firing up the machine

After Starting the Machine we are directed to the TryHackMe’s Attacker Box in Split View —

These are the Credentials which we are going to use for futher tasks —

For Task 4 we are first asked to login to bristo.thm:8080

we are redirected to this page after clicking Login with OAuth

[ Task 4 ] Question 1 : What is the cliend_id value after initiating the OAuth 2.0 workflow?

Let’s closely examine the url of this page —

The Client ID can be found inside the url

Full URL


Task 4 — Question 1 Solved !

[ Task 4 ] Question 2: What parameter name determines the time validity of a token in the token response?

The Answer for Question 2 can be found here —

Task 4 Completed !

Task 5

Question : What is the name of the toolkit used for implementing Oauth in the URL http://coffee.thm:8000/?

Task 6

Question: What is the flag value after getting the access token?

Since we are logged in already before doing Task 6

Lets log out from the session


We are returned to this page —

When the user Tom clicks on the link — http://dev.bistro.thm:8002/redirect_uri.html

He gets redirected to a new page —

After clicking on Login via OAuth , The Victim Tom gets redirected to a falsified page where he enters his credentials — victim:victim123 But then the OAuth authorization code is redirected to the attackers url — dev.bistro.thm:8002/malicious_redirect.html and then the attacker can intercept and muisuse the authorization code , The same code that we will get after Logging in to the above form —

We now have the Intercepted Authorization Code that was gathered from the victim using the attacker’s link

Intercepted Authorization code


Further we will use this code with the callback function to get our flag

Let’s replace the code parameter with intercepted Authorization code we just found earlier


Once the code is successfully executed we get our Flag

We solve Task 6

Task 7

I know this Room is a little challenging and can be a little overwhelming ..
You are doing great !! Keep it up 😊

Question 1 : What is the flag value after attaching the attacker’s account with the victim’s account?

As we did before , Lets logout from our previous session by


If you are using your VM make sure you have mycontacts.thm and coffee.thm in your /etc/hosts and if you are using attackbox these entries are already done for you .

Let’s Head out to — mycontact.thm:8080

Let’s login using the credentials as an attacker — attacker:attacker which will sync the contact to CoffeeShopApp after the successful sync the current account will be transferred to the CoffeeShopApp account

Login to Url —


We are now redirected to this page once we login

We are redirected to this URL —


We need to prepare a Payload to get the Authorization code which can be done by intercepting using the burp suite or you can use other Network interception tool as well.
But to make things easy the creator of this room has already provided us the payload -


Using the Payload URL above we can login as an attacker Just like we did for contact.thm:8080

We get our Authorization code by login using the attacker’s credentials by getting redirected to this page —

We get the Authorization Code —


Launching an Attack

URL we are going to use for the Attack —


Let’s use the Authorization code we got above with the CSRF Payload


After login in as a victim we finally get our flag for the Task 7

Task 7 — Question 2 : What parameter name does the client application include in the authorization request to avoid CSRF attacks?

Task 7 is now Complete !

Task 8

Question 1 : What symbol separates the access token from the OAuth 2.0 implicit grant flow URL?

Question 1 is Solved !

Question 2 : Visit the URL http://coffee.thm:8080/flagvalidator/ and enter the access token you acquired. What is the flag value?

Before proceeding with our last question for this room let’s logout from our previous sessions —


Getting to this URL — http://factbook.thm:8080

The URL above —


Access Token —


Now we will use the access Token that we got on this URL


By entering the Access Token and submitting it we get our Flag for the final question and Final Task

Task 8 Done !

Task 9

Question : Which of the following has been omitted from OAuth 2.1?

a) Implicit Grant
b) Authorization Code
c) Tokens
d) State

Task 10

and by Task 10 , we have successfully completed the room on OAuth Vulnerabilities

and Done !

This room involved a lot of steps and can be overwhelming for a beginner .
I hope you enjoyed solving this room as much as i did

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Thank you !



Sunny Singh Verma

Blogger & Cyber Security Enthusiast || TryHackMe Wall of Fame - in Top 50 Ethical Hackers Worldwide || HTB-Elite Hacker || Follow for Cyber World & CTF updates!